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Turpmākās spēles:
(#202) "Международная игра Baltic Fight Latvia "
komandu spēle,
08.06.2024 / 10:00:00
Spēle: Quest
Autori: XoXoJl, UnSeen, kvit, wmjak
Dalība: bezmaksas
DeepThought (Deep Thought, id 1444789)
Punkti: 27,12 / Seržants / Seržants
Pieraksts: (Lietuva, Vilnius)
Statuss: komandas 42 kapteinis
Dzimšanas datums: 1 janvāris (Vecums: 124 gadi)
Reģistrācijas datums: 1 jūnijs 2013
Vārds: Deep
Uzvārds: Thought
Dzimšanas datums: 1 janvāris
Dzimšanas gads: 1900
Darba vieta un adrese: Universe
Par sevi:
Deep Thought is a computer that was created by the pan-dimensional, hyper-intelligent species of beings (whose three dimensional protrusions into our universe are ordinary white mice) to come up with the Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Deep Thought is the size of a small city. When, after seven and a half million years of calculation, the answer finally turns out to be 42, Deep Thought admonishes Loonquawl and Phouchg (the receivers of the Ultimate Answer) that "[he] checked it very thoroughly, and that quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you is that you've never actually known what the question was."
28.04.2024 09:33:10
(UTC +3)
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